Oh no, not again! Is your partner complaining about your snoring again? Are they tired of hearing a freight train next to them every night? While snoring can be extremely annoying for your bed partner, it can also be detrimental to your health. Loud snoring might a sign that you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). To help you better understand sleep apnea, let’s take a closer look at four obvious signs you won’t want to ignore.
Have you ever woken up and your mouth is as dry as the Sahara Desert? If you wake up every morning (or even throughout the night) and think you just woke up in the middle of Arizona because your mouth is so dry, you might have a more serious condition. A sign of sleep apnea is dry mouth and the need to drink more water. Snoring can cause a dry mouth and a sore throat, so be on the lookout for this.
Poor sleep can lead to morning headaches, which can lead to a very unproductive day. Waking up with a headache is never fun, so pay close attention to when these headaches occur. If you suspect your headache is caused by your sleeping condition, it might be time to contact us for further information. Don’t just deal with morning headaches in hopes they will just go away. Reach out and get help.
While you’re sleeping, you might be clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth. This typically occurs because your body is trying to force enough air through the airway. Pay attention to your jaw and teeth when you wake up, and even throughout the day. Do you feel soreness or sensitivity? It might be time to visit and seek treatment.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom? Or maybe even a couple times throughout the night? Interrupted sleep can lead to more frequent urges to use the bathroom. Pay attention to how frequently you are waking up throughout the night. If it is far more than once or twice, it is important to receive a diagnosis.
Contact Dr. Bonnie Foster to learn more about sleep apnea and what to look out for. Your health is important, and so is your sleep.