The most common sign of sleep apnea tends to be loud, chronic snoring, but it does not always mean you suffer from this condition. If you have heard someone snore before, or even if you were told you snore, it is important to seek further information about sleep apnea now.
During sleep, you might even gasp for air, but you won’t know this unless your bed partner tells you. And, while not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, not everyone with sleep apnea snores. Let’s find out more about the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea.
Daytime Sleepiness
If you suffer from sleep apnea, you might also notice how tired you are the next day—you might even fight to stay awake. Have you ever found yourself nodding away at your desk, desperately trying to stay awake? It could be caused by sleep apnea. You may even find yourself falling asleep during the quiet moments of the day when you are not active. Even if you don’t experience daytime sleepiness, talk to your doctor if you have problems breathing during sleep.
More Signs and Symptoms
Some other signs and symptoms of sleep apnea might include:
Contact Warrenton Dental Center for more information about sleep apnea and to see if you might be suffering from this condition. Remember, treatment is essential in providing proper overall health and a better night’s sleep.